“Everything’s fine” choreographed by Agustin Egurrola!

Agustin Egurrola choreographed the latest Polish blockbuster – “Everything’s fine” directed by Agnieszka Glińska with photos by an Oscar nominee Paul Edelman! The long awaited premiere of the musical took place on 28 April, and the main roles were played by, among others, Kinga Preis and Stanislawa Celińska.

Choreography developed by Agustin Egurrola is a guarantee of entertainment at the highest level. Actors on the set dance to the biggest hits by Perfect, Maanam, T.Love, Lombard and sing songs with revered texts by, among others, Agnieszka Osiecka, Kora Jackowska, Jonasz Kofta, Marek Grechuta or Zbigniew Holdys.

– All those who love to dance and the biggest Polish hits have been waiting for “Everything’s fine” – says Agustin Egurrola. – Polish people dance more and more, so this is the moment when dancing can become a natural means of expression, even in the cinema. In “Everytning’s fine,” we succeeded and created a clever film in which dance adds to the story. Strenuous rehearsals lasted three months. But it paid off – some spectacular scenes got into the film. The effect is amazing!

The film was produced by Scorpio Studio, creators of hits such as “Jack Strong,” or “Vulture”.