Yesterday was full of unforgettable emotions and was one of those special! The fact that we couldn’t meet live at Hala Koło didn’t mean that we wouldn’t end our dance season with a great dance tournament!!!
The first online contest in the history of Egurrola Dance Studio called Egurrola Challenge Online is behind us! It was a wonderful, ceremonial summary of the whole semester of hard work of our dancers and instructors, who prepared especially for this day unusual group presentations.
We admired the final performances in 12 categories, which were judged by a professional refereeing board consisting of EDS trainers and instructors. Of course, there was also Agustin Egurrola, who cheered and infected everyone with his positive energy.
We are extremely proud that we have such a team of people around! Once again we have shown that together we create truly amazing things! This new, previously unknown form of classes turned out to be a great success, which makes us very happy.
Thank you all for this time and see you soon in the dance rooms!
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