Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020 press conference!

It was an amazing day!

Yesterday at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020 press conference, dancers from the Warsaw team SWAGG KIDS presented themselves in the energetic, hip-hop choreography of Tomasz Prządka alongside this year’s Polish representative in the competition – Alicja Tracz! This performance was an energy bomb.

For this day, our professionals from the Volt Group and Egurrola Dance Agency also prepared their performance, who together with Ida Nowakowska enchanted us with the emotional choreography of Kasia Mieczkowska and took us into an exceptionally magical atmosphere.

Of course, our irreplaceable choreographer Agustin Egurrola, who personally took care of every little detail of their show, could not be missing! After all, everything must be 100% refined 🙂

We are happy to be able to create such a beautiful story once again 🙂